Chakra Empowerment Series

$ 197.00


A Transformational Journey To Balance Our Energy Body.

When we understand the power of the seven chakras and their effect on our physical, emotional and mental well-being a wave of empowerment washes over us.



When we understand the power of the seven chakras and their effect on our physical, emotional and mental well-being a wave of empowerment washes over us.

  • We feel more confident and connected to our self and our purpose.
  • We are more in-tune with our needs including our boundaries.
  • We feel more connected to our family and friends, sharing the best version of us.
  • We are inspired to keep the wave going through daily self-care practices.

The Chakra Empowerment Series is a 7 episode audio series designed to take you on a transformational journey. Each downloadable episode presents a new chakra, allowing us to discover its deficiencies, excesses, blocks and most importantly practices to bring us into balance. Healing old wounds and leaving us feeling empowered and connected.

Chakra Empowerment Series

The Chakra Empowerment Series is for you if:

  • You have no prior knowledge of the chakras and you are curious to know more.
  • You are a Yoga teacher looking to refresh your skills and learn more.
  • You have been searching for ways to inspire your self practice.
  • You are looking for more self-care tools that are personal to you.
  • You are looking for more balance mind and body.
  • You have felt that something has been off or missing but haven’t been able to quite put your finger on it.

Each episode will include a meditation specific to each of the seven chakras, their foundational framework and suggestions for a 7-day self-practice.

Receive all one – hour episodes at once, listen whenever and as often as you want.

Root Chakra - Suse Silva

Session 1 – Root Chakra

The root chakra is considered our first chakra and represents safety and security. Located at the base of our spine, represented by the colour red, the earth and a general sense of grounding. This chakra becomes imbalanced when things we rely upon are in flux, such as when we find ourselves between homes or jobs. In our society we need both a home to live and a stream of income coming in to support us, if these things are challenged it also challenges our safety and security in the world.

Sacral Chakra - Suse Silva

Session 2 – Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is represented by the colour orange, the element of water and the ability to go with the flow. Located between our navel and pelvic bone, this chakra is our emotional well-being, our creativity and sexuality. When this chakra is balanced we feel in tune with ourselves and comfortable with the ebb and flow and life’s challenges. Imbalances often show up as physical tightness in the hips, and a discomfort with intimacy.

Solar Plexus Chakra - Suse Silva

Session 3 – Solar Plexus Chakra

Translated to mean “city of jewels” our third chakra governs our inner strength and power. Located between our diaphragm and navel and defined by the colour yellow, the element of fire and also encompasses our digestive fire or tapas to get things done. Deficiencies in this chakra often show up as feeling overwhelmed by the world around us and often manifest as digestive issues.

Session 4 – Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the chakra of love and gratitude, universal love for all things. The colour green, the element of air and the sensation of feeling open across our chest and upper back, which is where this chakra is located – our heart centre. Anahata is the Sanskrit word for this chakra which means un-struck or un-hurt and so the important aspects of the fourth chakra are forgiveness and the ability to release grief.

Session 5 – Throat Chakra

Our fifth chakra is our truth, the ability to speak our truth out loud and also to ourselves. We all know the feeling of having a lump in our throat when we are scared to speak, this is a block in our throat chakra. This powerful chakra is represented by the colour blue and the element of ether or space; closely aligned to our Heart Chakra, when we are unable to speak our truth we will also feel blocked in our heart. Characteristics of imbalance in this chakra are both not saying anything and talking too much. Those with imbalances will often suffer from chronic throat conditions.

Third Eye Chakra - Suse Silva

Session 6 – Third Eye Chakra

This is our space of intuition; that we know what the best thing for us is, though often it becomes buried in our desire to please others. Identified by the colour indigo or purple and located in the space between our brow, this chakra is extremely important as it provides our sense of self in the world. It is connected to our pituitary gland – interesting that this is the gland connected to puberty and the exact time we start to find our independence. The third eye chakra is about trusting ourselves, the ability to see clearly.

Crown Chakra - Suse Silva

Session 7 – Crown Chakra

Located at the crown of our head, this chakra represents our spirituality and/or connection to a higher power whether through religion or a general connection to the universe at large, the seat of cosmic consciousness. Our seventh chakra is about surrendering and presented through the colour purple or white. Interesting that we are born with our crown chakra fully open – the soft spot on our skull, and as we continue to grown our skull closes and we become more challenged to stay balanced in this space.


BONUS GIFT with Registration

Chakra Journey: Cultivating Harmony in our Yoga Practice

Chakra Journey E-Book


This downloadable E-Book brings together:

  • Detailed information on each chakra including ways to balance them.
  • 7 x Yoga class flows
  • 7 x Scripted Meditations
  • 7 x Journal Pages
  • Value $32. CAD

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