Ready to take your knowledge and teachings of Yoga to the next level? Our 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification is a comprehensive, multi-layered program that will challenge you on all levels of being. Individual modules are open to anyone looking to go deeper in their own practice, expand their knowledge and experience unity consciousness, the connection and light that we all share.

Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.

Your 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training opened the door and laid the foundation. As the journey continues, so our awareness grows. We dive further into practices that nourish us on all levels – physical, energetic, emotional and mental. We soothe our souls and begin to find our own intuitive path in both our personal practice and how we share this powerful gift with others.

We step into the light and discover that we are both “the experience and the experiencer, the dance and the dancer.”

Empowering us to collectively raise our vibrations. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.

In continuation from our 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification, an emphasis is placed on trauma-informed practices and practices to support our mental well-being. Sangha Yoga Collective is a philosophy first school that honours the rich history and culture of Yoga.

This 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate is a community effort, inspired by our students, personal practice and a combined 60+ years of teaching and education. The trainings are brought to you by: Tracy Jennings-Hill of A Deeper Collective in Atlanta, GA, Tracy Glennon of Drop Yoga in Ottawa and Lisa Greenbaum, the founder of this school. We are blessed and grateful to share this journey with you.

Side Plank. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.

The Sangha Yoga Collective 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training is currently under

the review period to be an accredited program with Yoga Alliance.

Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.
Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.
Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.

The 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training is composed of 9 separate modules. 8 will be taught in person/virtually for 270 contact hours, the remaining 30 hours are non-contact and will consist of readings and assignments to be completed in conjunction with respected courses below.

Training modules can be taken in any order, with no time limit on completion.

Advanced Teaching Skills – 10 hours (pre-recorded)

Anatomy Principles – 22 hours (virtual)

Ayurveda Foundations – 45 hours (6 days) + 10 hours (non-contact)

Restorative Yoga Certification – 31.5 hours (5.5 pre-recorded, 3-hr virtual + 3 days in person)

Therapeutic Yoga in Practice – 22.5 hours (3 days in-person)

Yin Yoga Certification – 31.5 hours (6 hrs pre-recorded, 3-hrs virtual + 3 days in-person)

Yoga for Advanced Poses and Sequencing – 22.5 hours (3 days in-person)

Prana Energy: Kriya Practices – 50 hours (virtual)

Yoga Philosophy for Advanced Studies – 45 hours (virtual) + 10 hours (non-contact)


Twisting Chair. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.
  • Each module is composed of a set number of hours that includes theory, practice, readings and a final assignment. After the completion of all NINE modules and all assignments a 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Certificate will be awarded.
  • You can have a 200-hour from another school and take this 300-hour certification program to equal 500-hrs.
  • Each module will have pre-requisites to attend based on the subject matter, please review prior to registration.
  • A comprehensive digital manual will be provided for each training on the first day of training. A printed manual can be purchased for an additional $25. fee. Certain trainings will also have required texts to read with the course. They can also be purchased in the Yoga Shop.
  • Register and pay for each module on its own, with the option to pay a non-refundable deposit to hold your spot.
  • Modules can be taken in any order and whenever they are offered.
  • There is no time limit to complete all 9 modules.
  • Each module offers Continuing Education Credits with Yoga Alliance and canfitpro + BCRPA, for number of CECs refer to individual module.
  • Canadian Income Tax receipts (T2202) will be issued for all modules attended at the end of each calendar year.
  • Please read Terms & Conditions for more info.
Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.
Advanced Teaching Skills. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.


Adding complexity over difficulty to our teaching. Learning includes:

  • Class study, blending asana, pranayama, mudras and mantras.
  • How to create and deliver workshops and retreats.
  • Pre-recorded videos, stream anytime.
  • Digital manual and worksheets.
Ayurveda Foundations. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.


Study of the science of life, the sister science of Yoga. Learning includes:

  • Exploration of the doshas: pitta, vata and kapha.
  • The elements & their attributes – Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether
  • Understanding the 6 tastes through herbs and foods .
  • How to apply self-massage (abhyanga)
  • How to create your dinacharya & ritucharya (daily and seasonal regimens)
Anatomy Principles for Yoga. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.

Going beyond biomechanics of movement, exploring fascial lines and how they affect our asana practice. Learning includes:

  • The 12 fascial lines in our body – structure and location.
  • The connection of fascia and emotional trauma.
  • Catering the practice to the needs of our one on one clients.
  • Preparing posture assessments.
Restorative Yoga Certification. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.


Creating safety in stillness and building a practice with props. Learning includes:

  • Why Restorative Yoga is considered an advanced practice.
  • Encouragement to slow down and help your students feel safe while still.
  • The use of bolsters, blankets, blocks and other props to support this practice.
  • Guided meditation practices and Yoga Nidra.
Therapeutic Yoga in Practice. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.

Yin Yoga Certification. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.

Continuing to release deeper layers of tension from the body and the power of touch. Learnings include:

  • Somatic based postures and movements to release chronic tension.
  • The psoas to jaw connection and emotional trauma.
  • The power of touch through a trauma-informed lens.
  • Introducing physical adjustments.
  • Gentle massage and self-massage techniques.

Exploring meridian lines and longer holds. Learnings include:

  • The difference between passive and active holds.
  • Biomechanics of stretching and increasing joint mobility.
  • Foundational understanding of the meridian lines.
  • Pose breakdown of 25+ poses.
  • How to sequence and cue a Yin Yoga class.
Yoga for Advanced Poses and Sequencing. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.



Exploring arm balances and inversions. Learnings include:

  • Binds including: Bound Side Angle and Bird of Paradise.
  • Arm Balances including: Crow Pose, Side Crow, Firefly and Peacock.
  • Inversions including: Headstand, Handstand and Scorpion.
  • Sequencing for advanced postures including options for all students.
Yoga Energy Body Part II. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.

Expanding consciousness and our vibrational energy with advanced pranayama and kriya based meditations. Learnings include:

  • Tapping into kundalini energy and increasing Prana.
  • 20+ kriyas as taught through lineage from our Himalayan teachers.
  • How to direct self-practice and individualized client sessions.
  • Deepening our connection to Self and meditative experience.
Yoga Philosophy for Advanced Studies. Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.

The science of the mind. An in-depth study of The Bhagavad Gita and the nature of the mind. Learnings include:

  • A detailed study of the three volume translation of The Bhagavad Gita by: Eknath Easwaran.
  • Our experience of these ancient studies within our modern world.
  • The nature of the mind as move towards unity consciousness.
  • The relationship between the Atman, Brahman and Parabrahman.

QUESTIONS? Please reach out

If you would prefer to speak, book yourself in using our calendly link.

Lisa Greenbaum Yoga + Wellness 300-hour Teacher Training Certification.

Meet the Lead Trainers for our 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program

Lisa Greenbaum

Lisa Greenbaum – Toronto, On

Tracy Glennon

Tracy Glennon – Ottawa, ON

Tracy Jennings-Hill

Tracy Jennings-Hill – Atlanta, GA


Having done several trainings with you, you inspired me so much Lisa! I dreamed of being a trainer like you one day – articulate, thoughtful and thought-provoking, knowledgeable and personal at the same time. You know your stuff and have a unique perspective to offer. – Sarah B. 

My favourite teacher, thank you Lisa for your creativity ,confidence and knowledge, as well as your high standards. It was an absolute pleasure to be taught by you. – Rosie H

Lisa’s workshops at canfitpro always led me to a deeper practice, and a more thoughtful one for my client base. Always engaging, knowledgeable , I still have all my notes. Now meeting her again through WIFA- I am thrilled to see the path she is on-filled with care and integrity. – Fyonna V.

Lisa has inspired me to Kickstart my journey as a yoga instructor. Her passion, resilience and insights continue to influence my journey as a trainer. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! – Connie D.

Lisa is the reason I can and love teaching yoga, coming all the way to NZ. She totally understood that we can teach in a range of environments including gyms and how that differs to more intense teaching styles. She instilled in me that yoga is for every-body and enabled me to bring yoga to hundreds. I even taught some classes while cruising to Antarctica, so please know your teaching has really reached the ends of the earth! – Felicity W.

I did my first ever yoga teacher training with Lisa and it began my lifelong journey with the practice. Lisa was an amazing teacher. Kind, gentle, knowledgeable and patient. I loved the way she taught our classes, and I have taken a lot of the way she taught into how I teach and still teach. She taught us how to teach in a trauma aware style from day one, so it just became the norm for the way I teach. A skill I have been thankful for every day. I cannot recommend her highly enough. If you are looking for an amazing teacher and experience, on your yoga journey, then please take the journey with Lisa. – Sue M. (Australia)