Lisa has shared FREE meditations just for you! Download the Insight Timer App to stream anytime.

A grounding meditation to get out of our head and back into our body in this grounding meditation. Reduce feelings of anxiety and swirling thoughts in this guided meditation to improve mindfulness and connect us back to the earth. Enjoy this meditation at any time of day, seated or lying down. 11:02 min. Stream Now

This meditation to invoke gratitude and connection is more than simply thinking of things we are grateful for in our mind but moving into the felt sense of experiencing gratitude within. The visceral experience of gratitude in our body. We have probably heard or seen the research around how gratitude changes our brains. In this meditation, we will also use the experience or feeling of gratitude to reduce stress, increase vitality, and overall balance to our nervous system. 9:57 min. Stream Now

Yoga Nidra is a time-honoured practice to help quiet our nervous system. A deeply rested practice that involves a slow and methodical body scan led by Lisa Greenbaum, a trauma-informed Yoga Therapist. Enjoy this practice to help you sleep, or any time you need rest for both your mind and body. 19:08 min. Stream Now

This breath-based meditation is to help us dissolve anger and frustration. With a focus on simply letting go we can allow ourselves to move into a more neutral space. Improving clarity of mind and peace in our hearts. 11:02 min. Stream Now

This breath-based meditation is to help improve focus and clarity of mind. It can be used at any point in the day. Before an important meeting, when doing critical or creative-based work or simply when we want to feel more alert and present. 10:35 min. Stream Now